Leta Benbow’s Room

About This Room

View of back terrace, stone bridge, tree tops. Gas fireplace, desk with outlet and vaulted ceilings.

The room includes a luxuriously large bathroom with a soaking tub.  A variety of artisan bath bombs, bubble bath, and soaps are available at the gift shop to complete a relaxing night away from home.

About Leta Benbow

Leta Benbow was the seventh child. Born Loleta, she was a tiny blond with a sweet disposition. She was mostly home-schooled by her older siblings. She was passionate about geography and became a great traveler once the hotel was sold. She and Clara wrote all the copy for Hotel literature. She was the main bookkeeper and first postmaster of Benbow. Her office was located by the employee entrance door. She also cooked and cleaned when necessary. She and Helen had lived in 404 for several years.

Guest Accessibility ♿

This room is not ADA compliant, but we do have ADA compliant rooms available. More information is available on our Accessibility Features page.